
Man on moon song
Man on moon song

The lyrics were written by lead singer Michael Stipe, and the music by drummer Bill Berry and guitarist Peter Buck, and credited to the whole band as usual. Verse 2 C D C Moses went walking with the staff of wood (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) C D C Newton got beaned by the apple good (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) C D C. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ' Man on the Moon ' is a song by the American alternative rock band R.E.M., released as the second single from their 1992 album, Automatic for the People. G Am C Bm Am If you believe there's nothing up his sleeve, then nothing is cool.

man on moon song

1988–2003 (2003) и Part Lies, Part Heart, Part Truth, Part Garbage 1982–2011 (2011). Hey baby, Are we losing touch G Am C D G Am D If you believe they put a man on the moon, man on the moon. Билл Берри, Питер Бак, Майк Миллз, Майкл Стайп As good as the first two Man on the Moon albums a decade ago might’ve been, his 2012 project, WZRD, was a borderline abysmal amalgam of bad rock tropes and artless oversharing (though, in a.

Man on moon song