The lyrics were written by lead singer Michael Stipe, and the music by drummer Bill Berry and guitarist Peter Buck, and credited to the whole band as usual. Verse 2 C D C Moses went walking with the staff of wood (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) C D C Newton got beaned by the apple good (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) C D C. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ' Man on the Moon ' is a song by the American alternative rock band R.E.M., released as the second single from their 1992 album, Automatic for the People. G Am C Bm Am If you believe there's nothing up his sleeve, then nothing is cool.

1988–2003 (2003) и Part Lies, Part Heart, Part Truth, Part Garbage 1982–2011 (2011). Hey baby, Are we losing touch G Am C D G Am D If you believe they put a man on the moon, man on the moon. Билл Берри, Питер Бак, Майк Миллз, Майкл Стайп As good as the first two Man on the Moon albums a decade ago might’ve been, his 2012 project, WZRD, was a borderline abysmal amalgam of bad rock tropes and artless oversharing (though, in a.