
Micrologix 1100 fault code 0187h
Micrologix 1100 fault code 0187h

micrologix 1100 fault code 0187h

Major Error Executing User Fault Return S:5/3

micrologix 1100 fault code 0187h

If this bit is set, the error bit of a control word used by the instruction has been set. The LFU, LFL, FFU, FFL, BSL, BSR, SQO, SQC and SQL instructions are capable of generating this error. When this bit is set by the controller, it indicates that a mathematical overflow has occurred in the ladder program. If a major fault state exists, you must correct the condition causing the fault, and then clear the fault. This bit is set by the controller any time a major error is encountered. When this bit is set and power is cycled while the controller is in the REM Run mode, the controller executes the user fault routine prior to the execution of the first scan of your program. The controller then attempts to enter the REM Run mode. When set, this bit causes the controller to clear the Major Error Halted bit S:1/13 and Minor error bits S:5/0 to S:5/7 on power up if the processor had previously been in the REM Run mode and had faulted. Below is a description of each bit but perhaps the most important one is the Error Description which will give you details about the PLC fault. There is a lot of great information on this tab to help you diagnose your problem. The "Goto Error" brings up the S2 - STATUS data files "Errors" tab.

Micrologix 1100 fault code 0187h